June 2022
It has been a busy month here at Stroud Village Hall with several events taking place. Thank you to those who attended our Indoor Car Boot Sale on Sunday the 9th of May; it was a brilliant day and so lovely to see the community coming together. Thank you too to all our wonderful stall holders and volunteers; we could not have done it without you.
Our Monday Coffee Mornings continue to be a success; thanks to all who have attended so far and supported the hall and the local community. Feel free to pop in for some fresh coffee, tea and cake, available for you to purchase; there’s also the chance to meet your neighbours and new people in the community.
Classes are filling up ready for the summer at the Village Hall! Big congratulations to our newest hirers; Kasia with pregnancy fitness and Jade with Children’s dance classes- we hear the classes are becoming a success already. If you would like to book any of our classes, please contact us for more details.
Clear your diaries for Stroud’s Jubilee Street Party on the 4th June from 4pm onwards here at the Village Hall! There will be lots to do, with free entry, so why not come along and check it out for yourself? Activities include BBQ, bar, face painting, jubilee merchandise and lots of games. Tickets are free and available to purchase on our website. We are also hosting a ‘Jubilee Bakes’ competition’ for adults and children; prizes to be won! If you would like to enter our competition, please see the website for more details on how to enter. We are very excited and really hope to see you there.
Please check our website for more information on booking the hall and other events coming up in the near future. We also have a section on our website for some very interesting Wildlife Blogs. This is the link to check it out (https://stroudvillagehall.org/wildlife-blog/).
We are busy with parties and events as we approach the summer, but it is not too late to secure your booking! Please contact Jade via [email protected] for all enquiries
Jade Poulter – Manager