Wildlife Blog by Ron Allen – 29th January 2021
29 January 2021
Well, what a week that was, we had snow and so some pics of snowy Stroud taken across the village green and the footpaths across towards Steep and including a rather fine snowball (images 1, 2, 3 and 4).
Our trail cameras picked up a fox in the snow at the end of our garden (image 5). Interesting to see in the Seven Stars field how pied wagtails were feeding in the hoof marks of the horses there (images 6 and 7).
Winter is a good time to spot our wild birds and robins and dunnocks are always good to see (images 8 and 9). Redwings are still feeding out on the fields and red kites are now so common; this kite flew across in clear view just in front of our house (image 10).